ITAM Digital Signature

This article explains how to create and use a digital signature in the Continuum GRC ITAM tool.

In the User/Client portal:

Select the view option/button on the form you want to sign.

If there is a signature field, click on the signature box to sign.

If you have a signature already loaded, click on the "Click to Sign" button to add your signature.

If you don't have your signature loaded, or you need to update your signature, click on the "Register New Sign" button.

It is recommended to create your signature with the draw option which is achieved by clicking the draw option.

To create your signature with the draw option, you hold left-click, then drag your cursor in the provided area for your signature using your mouse or touchpad. If you mess up your signature, click on the "Clear" text to restart. Once you are satisfied with your signature, click on the "Sign" button to finish signing the form/document.

Note: You can change your signature from the main portal menu in the "My Profile" page in the "Other Settings" tab. From there the process is similar to the steps noted above.




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