Search and Replace

Search and Replace

Users, Examiners, and Administrators alike will enjoy the advanced search and replace functionality integral to the Form Manager.

By selecting the search feature, the options expand to include form tags, form elements, form title, and replace. Selecting replace expands your options to now include Find data, Replace data, and Select entity options.

Find data: Enter the data string you want to search for. In our example, we are searching for any instance of the phase of Mickey Mouse.

Replace data: Enter the data string you want to replace the existing data string with. In our example, we are replacing any instance of Mickey Mouse with Chief Information Security Officer.

Select entity: As an Administrative or Examiner user, select the entity you want to make changes within. If you are a regular User, the entity option is already selected as your own.

Go: Once you make your choices, pressing to Go button begins the Search and Replace feature working. You will need to confirm your options.

Once the process is completed, you will note a change in the listing of modules on the right side of the screen. This list represents all the forms that matching data strings have been changed within.

You have now completed the Search and Replace feature process.

Enjoy the power of Continuum GRC.