Advanced Form Management

Advanced Form Management



The IT Audit Machine contains several advanced features that allow you to fine-tune and control the way a form flows, the types of notifications received, and how the form is integrated into other capabilities. Explore the links below to see how to use these features.

Form Notifications

Setting Form Notifications can allow your organization to receive automatic notifications when certain events occur during the use of your forms.

Form Logic

Form Logic can allow your organization to control how and when certain actions occur on a form. From controlling the flow of interaction through a form to controlling when notifications and data are sent out, these capabilities help your organization achieve more precision and automation during the process of entering the necessary data into your form.

Form Integration

IT Audit Machine is designed to create forms that can be easily integrated into an organization's existing website. Through the use of the multiple embedded-code options, administrators can deploy an ITAM form within an existing website utilizing a familiar coding method.


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