

Options listed as Additional Options in the table below are only displayed after clicking the show more options link on the Form Properties tab.

Property Name

Property Description

Standard Options


The title of the form. This will be displayed at the top of the form.


The description of the form. This will be the first paragraph under the title at the top of the form.

Submission Confirmation

There are two options for this property:

  • Show Text: This message will be displayed after your users have successfully submitted an entry. Additionally, you can enter HTML codes, JavaScript codes, or Template Variables to enhance these messages displayed to respondents after they submit a form.

  • Redirect to Web Site: After your users have successfully submitted an entry, you can redirect them to another website/URL of your choice. You may also insert Template Variables into the URL to pass form data.

Additional Options


This option allows you to choose the language being used to display your form messages.


Keep in mind that the language function is only to display the preformatted text in the selected language. You must type in your optional text using the appropriate characters which are associated with your computer's local language settings.

titleExpand to view Language Options

Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese (Simplified)




This option allows you to set the field label placement. The available options currently are:

  • Top Aligned

  • Left Aligned

  • Right Aligned

Processing Options

This option allows you to set post-processing options which currently are:

  • Allow Clients to Save and Resume Later: Checking this will display an additional link at the bottom of your form which would allow your clients to save their progress and resume later. This option only available if your form has at least two pages (has one or more Page Break fields).

  • Show Review Page Before Submitting: If enabled, your clients will be prompted to a preview page that lets them double-check their entries before submitting the form.

Review Page Options

This option allows you to set a few form submission options to enhance the user experience.


This option is only displayed if the Show Review Page Before Submitting option has been selected in the Processing Options

Currently, these options are:

  • Review Page Title: Enter the title to be displayed on the review page.

  • Review Page Description: Enter some brief description to be displayed on the review page.

  • Use Text Button: This is the default and recommended option. All buttons on the review page will use simple text.

  • Use Image Button: Select this option if you prefer to use your own submit/back image buttons. Make sure to enter the full URL address to your image.

  • Submit Button: The exact text to display on a Submit Button should be updated with this option. The default is Submit.

  • Back Button: The exact text to display on a Back Button should be updated with this option. The default is Previous.

Protection & Limit

This option allows you to set form protection, processing protections, and abuse limit options which currently are:

  • Turn On Password Protection: If enabled, all users accessing the public form will then be required to type in the password to access the form. Your form is password protected.

  • Turn On Spam Protection (CAPTCHA): If enabled, an image with random words will be generated and users will be required to enter the correct words to be able to submit their data. This is useful to prevent abuse from bots or automated programs usually written to generate spam. You can select the difficulty level of the spam protection which include:

    • reCAPTCHA: Display an image with distorted words. An audio option is also included. This is the most secure but also the hardest to read. Some people might find this annoying.

    • Simple Image: Display an image with clear and sharp words. Most people will find this easy to read.

    • Simple Text: Display text (not an image) that contains a simple question to solve.

  • Limit One Entry Per IP: Use this to prevent clients from filling out your form more than once. This is done by comparing a client's IP Address to the IP Address from previous submissions.

  • Limit Submission: The form will be turned off after reaching the number of entries defined here.

Form Availability

This option allows you to set availability options which currently are:

Enable Form Availability: If you would like to schedule your form to become active during a certain period of time only, enable this option. The optional parameters are:

  • Only Accept Submission From Date: This is the date and time you want to open availability to users of the form.

  • Until Date: This is the date and time you want to close availability to users of the form.

Template Options

This option allows you to set automated document creation and processing options which currently are:

  • Upload Templates: Use this upload function to attach template documents to your form for automated document creation. You will have the ability to attach as many documents as needed and manage them after your form is in production without deleting data. Managing template documents does not require re-saving a form.

  • Enable Template

  • Manager: If you want to enable this option, you must first upload your template documents.

Advanced Options

This option allows you to set form access restriction options which currently are:

  • Load Custom Javascript File: You can register a custom JavaScript file to run inline with the form. Your script will be loaded each time the form is being displayed.

  • Enable Auto-Mapping: If enabled, field entries will be overwritten in other forms where the entity and element machine code are the same.

  • Private Form: Select this option to prevent subscribers or User Portal from viewing and subscribing to administrative forms.

Primary Form
  • Sync On Entity

Owner: This option allows you to assign a specific form to a specific ITAM Administrator Entity responsible for the submitted information.Secondary Entity Owner: This option allows you to assign a specific form to be used by a single entity, multiple entities, or everyone. The default option does not permit access at all
  • : Set this entity to the entity you want to sync on when using auto mapping.

  • Entity Owners: Select the entities who should have access to the form. Data ownership resides with the primary entity.

    • Select All to make this form available to every user.

    • Select one entity or control-click several to provision access to only those designated entities.

Form Embed Options

This option allows you to control how a form is embedded in another page. The configuration options are:

  • User Type: Select Admin or Portal.

  • Code Type: Select iframe Code, Simple link, or Popup link.

Add a Field

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To add fields to a form, select the type of field to be added from the Add a Field tab on the right side of the Form Builder. If it is not visible you can click the Add Field button in the floating toolbar or click the Add a Field tab directly on the Toolbox.
